Lynn Durham’s Well-being Programs will give you insights and skills.
Programs are customized to meet your needs.
Frazzled to Fantastic – You’re One Thought Away From Feeling Better!
At the Heart of Wellness is Mind/Body/Spirit Alchemy – Life can seem hectic and people/things can seem difficult at times. We may seek for the answers in many places but they are not “out there.” Come and gain insights and skills beneficial to your well being. Learn the scientific rationale for staying in touch with your needs, the thought patterns that influence your stress and practice the mind/body/spirit techniques (including the relaxation response and the sense of humor) that work – to stay in balance, increase clarity of decision making and relax and enjoy the moment. Let go, smile, remember wellness; find the peace, love and joy in this journey.
Dancing Gracefully with Life – The dance of life is always moving, it has its own rhythm and timing. This workshop will compare our lives to the dance. The body has wisdom and can show us we can respond gracefully to change, experience and express our spirits through movement and appreciate the unity and our connection with others.
Practice letting go of paralyzing perfectionism, free yourself from adult inhibitors. Seriousness does not increase productivity. Relax and release the joy, it attracts energy, people and ideas
Holiday Magic – Being Santa Claus for Yourself and Joy to Your World – The holidays are approaching and with it many opportunities to feel reconnected with spirit, family and friends, peace, love and joy.
However, it is an equal opportunity season. Possibilities abound of unfulfilled expectations, painful memories, unaccomplished tasks and anxiety, anger, depression and loneliness. The good news is you get to decide which holiday you will experience by the thoughts and behaviors you choose. You can make the holidays more of what you want and need – the Magic is in you. Come and discover new ideas for being Santa Claus for Yourself. It will bring Joy to Your World.
Releasing the Magic in Children – Through stories, costume changes, props and experiential exercises children learn how to shine.
Anger or Peace? Living Consciously – Have you allowed anger to control you instead of listening to its message or harnessing its power? Learn that you are at choice, why it is important, and what tips and techniques you can use to change your anger habits.
Places Lynn has spoken
- Society for the Arts in Health Care
- School Nurse Associations
- American Heart Association PA Affiliates
- New England Newspaper Association
- NEADVHS – New England Association of Health Care Volunteer Services
- NH Governor’s Office on Volunteerism Conference
- Nashua Rotary Annual Meeting
- Massachusetts Hospital Association
- NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
- NHAVA – New Hampshire Association of Volunteer Administrators
- National Speakers Association – New England
- NH Health Care Association
- New England Association of Rehab Nurses
Health Care
- Catholic Medical Center
- New Hampshire Hospital
- Maine Medical Center
- Bridgeport Hospital – Yale New Haven Health
- Cheshire Medical Center
- Fallon Medical Center
- Samaritan Medical Center
- Middlesex Hospital
- Nursing Management Congress
Companies – Profit and Not for Profit
- CA, Inc
- Oracle
- Thermo Electron Corporation
- BankNorth
- Mead Johnson
- Liberty Mutual
- Auto Desk
- Northeast Utilities
- Community Developmental Services
- Nursing Spectrum Magazine
- Center of Hope
- Seacoast Hospice
- Computype
- Norwich Inn and Spa
- Health Trust
- Community Action
- Southern Maine Optical
- Crotched Mountain Rehab Center
- Americorp
- Central Massachusetts Chamber of Commerce
- WIC Conference (Women, Infants and Children)
- Foster Grandparents
- State of Maine Department of Education
- Milton School
- University of New Hampshire
- Wilcoxson School
- Southern Connecticut State University
- Saint Joseph’s College ME
- Browne Center for Experiential Education UNH
- Diocese of Manchester
- St Augustine School
- Bishop Connelly High School
- Project Safeguard
- Mount Wachusett Community College
- Milton Elementary School
- NH Technical Institute
- Diocese of Boston
- North Shore Catholic Schools
- Appletree Education
- Saint Ann School
Women’s Groups
- Upper CT Valley Hospital/Dartmouth Hitchcock Women’s Wellness Day
- Women’s Spirituality Group
- American Business Women’s Association
- New England Women of the ELCA
- Notre Dame Mission Center
- NH Council of Catholic Women
- Concord Business Women
- North Hampton United Church of Christ
- Saint James Church
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help
- Saint Mark Church
- Unity Church
- Saint Joseph’s Church
- Bedford Congregational Church
- Saint Pius Church
- Bethany Church
- Ipswich Congregational Church
- Saint Edmund’s Church
- Saint Teresa’s Church
- Prisons
- Singles Clubs
- Women’s Clubs
- Parenting Groups
- Cancer Society
- Horizons Over 55
Participant Comments:
“I will look at daily problems with an easier, problem solving attitude.”
“Very useful information – great presentation.”
“I will remember to be aware of my body’s messages.”
“You did a very good job of relieving stress – making people open up.”
“I will become focused, learn to smile and will relax and enjoy each moment.”
“It was great to get the actual tools to do the relaxation at any time.”
“I almost didn’t attend…this was the best class I’ve ever attended.”
“I’ll be able to make decisions easier.”
“I’ll laugh more and be more creative.”
“I liked the interaction of speaker with audience.”
“Great job – I needed to be reminded of all the things I can do for myself.”
“Gained useful tools.” “Your enthusiasm is contagious.”
“This helps me focus and put things in order.”
“I’ll be more open, not afraid…knowing I’ll be able to handle it.”
“This was FUN – not enough fun in my life.”
“I could have listened to you all night.” “Thank you so much!”
Client Comments
“You drew the largest audience that I have seen and everyone was so pleased that they came. Our limited resources of time and energy were wisely invested in your presentation and we have the promise of long-term profits! The benefits will be evident not only in our professional lives but our personal as well! You cannot ask for a better ROI!”
Susan Garabedian, Director of Continuing Education, Crotched Mountain Rehab
“Your presentation, on Stress Management, was exciting and very motivational. The members of NECOE felt the techniques you utilized were both individually beneficial and applicable to some of our client’s needs.”
Norma Garber, President, New England Center for Organizational Effectiveness
“I wanted to let you know the positive response we had to the wellness workshop you provided to Matthew Thornton Health Plan staff members.…We all enjoyed your humor and the atmosphere you created in the room which allowed the individuals participating to feel comfortable participating in the relaxation exercises. Comments were received on your voice quality with the suggestion that you produce your own relaxation tape.”
Karen Reed, VP Operations, Matthew Thornton Health Plan
“Your presentations were truly enjoyed by all – students and staff alike. It takes a gifted person who can do meaningful presentations for the young, seasoned, and those of us who are in-between…Your optimism, enthusiasm and energy will have a lasting effect on our school community…Our principal stated “she’s a wealth of information.”
Joan Paige, Nurse, Milton Elementary School
“Informative, upbeat and engaging, you lived your message in a very genuine way. Your handouts as well as your activities engaged a wide variety of learning styles. Most importantly, perhaps, was your encouraging and compassionate way of showing how we all could improve.”
Pam McPhee, Ph.D., Director, The Browne Center for Experiential Education, University of New Hampshire