Christmas Time again. Advent helps us narrow our focus on the birth of Christ, giving to others, and figuring out how to best serve and share our light. It’s nice to find some quiet times to contemplate and it’s fun to enter all the activities as life continues to swirl around us. Merry Christmas!! Or whatever holiday you celebrate, And a Happy New Year!! Filled with – Peace, Love and Joy, Lynn For those who want the “Dear Diary” version of 2022, It’s below these links.
Angels Among Us – Interesting to read the comments under the youtube video as well – but watch it first – he has several people highlighted during the song. And here is the story behind the song:
Bob Hope with the troops
The Christmas story as told by the children
The biggest (or smallest, depending how you look at it) news of last year were 2 new grandsons! Yippee. Born on the same day, not identical though – Zinc and Tarn. In February the same month their “big” brother Sage turned 2 years old. Hmmm, Just about 3 under 2! A very busy household. Spring and Tyler are amazing in how they are handling all the action that is entailed. Spring particularly is apparently a good juggler because she is home when Tyler is working at Waterville Valley. Tyler had an interesting way of talking about how old his children were last summer: “I have a two and a half year old and two – half year olds.”
The children keep them busy but there is still some time for family biking (even bought an electric one) Sage enjoys splashing in any puddles to be found, dipping in the pools found in their stream, “helping” mom and dad and there is lots of learning and eating. (“Learning and eating” is code for parents picking up books and toys and making and cleaning up food and washing hands, faces and clothes). Spring is enrolled in another Masters program to become a family counselor. She will have good experience to draw from!
Brett was promoted with the Forest Service and is covering a much larger territory now – a big northeast section – all the way out to Minnesota down to Missouri. Sue is still working hard as a doctor at her animal hospital and semi-farmer with lots of animals, gardens and fruit trees not to mention all the canning, cooking and crafts she does. Rainey has joined the chorus, played the recorder in their winter concert and is taking karate. She also has her at home activities including biking (she came in third in a race), hiking, skiing and helping with the animals. They have chickens, ducks, geese, goats, sheep and of course cats and dog! The little cousins can come over to enjoy the “farm.” They traveled to Utah to go to some of the National Parks.
Rainey and I are very good at playing dolls. We change them from pajamas to summer clothes or party dresses and then back again, and then change them again! When Rainey and I are having a sleep over the dolls even play the game Rainey invented with us – it’s for 4 players so we needed 2 more. I helped type all the instructions and Rainey made sure they were clear. It’s pretty good, we should probably summit the game to Parker Brothers or something!
Joshua or Rudy, as he is called in TX, is working at Batch but he also is an artist and musician. He has been on the stage and in a recording studio with a couple friends. His band is called Passiflora. He has many different styles of visual art he creates. He’s done logos, cartoon-like and realistic drawings. There are some beer can labels too. I’ve included some photos. Thanksgiving I was sitting at the table surrounded by family, except for Josh because he was in Austin, when I felt some hands on my shoulders. It didn’t even startle me because I was safe with family. Then I looked around the table, wait, they were all accounted for, who’s hands could they be?!? Josh! What a great surprise. My baby. (OK so he doesn’t look like a baby.) Keep him in your prayers as he journeys for a month through Thailand. He’s over there now. Why? An adventure.
I had a big birthday last summer so I replaced my car and the boys surprised me with an Apple watch. So now when I trip or don’t move smoothly my watch asks me if I’m ok, and I understand if my car tilts too much or the airbags go off my car will ask me if I’m ok. How can I answer that? Am I ok? I remember seeing a greeting card. It said, “The whole world is crazy, except for me and you.” You open it and it says, “Sometimes I wonder about you.” I know that sometimes you wonder about me too! I guess we’re all OK. 😉
I finally marketed my book and it made it to Amazon’s top 62 of all those books they carry in November making it to #1 in 10 categories and 4 countries! Are you impressed? It was a free Kindle download. #1 Amazon best seller has new meaning to me now! Still pretty good though, a lot of people downloaded it. I also was invited to be on 2 on line presentations, one a wellness summit and to write for publication. Interesting how all this is coming to me when I have only been doing real estate for years. (If anyone wants to see the wellness interview, let me know, I’ll send it.)
I get to play bridge when I can. They started a barn dance in Plymouth. Nice for me because it’s close. I’ll try my best to attend those nights. I need to do some exercise. Real estate has been busy, I sold some great properties this year and met some wonderful people. Many homes including lakefronts, ski place, land and boat slips. I love helping people with their real estate needs. Quieter now as it historically has been over the years during the holidays. I organized some downtown Plymouth caroling this December again. That’s been fun as well. Families have joined us, even some people who were walking by stopped to sing.
For those who know me well, hard to believe my sister and John have been married 55 years and he turned 80 this summer. There was a great celebration and wonderful stories of the good he’s done. How did he get so old? I don’t feel it. I always enjoy time with them and their family. In CT at the beach or the barn and also sometimes in VT. Irene had a unwelcome visitor and colon surgery to remove it and is doing well. I sent her a tiny dollhouse milking stool which she has been enjoying showing people – “Do you know what this is? It’s my stool sample!”
Kerstin is enjoying her home in Lordship and her business is going well. People come all the way from NYC for her healing massage. Beth is studying for an MSW doing some interning now and Devin’s RACE coastal engineering company is doing very well. Alyssa’s team made it to 2nd place in US high school soccer (she’s a “keeper” in more ways than one – goalie for those who didn’t know the soccer reference). A lovely young woman now, she was confirmed and gave a beautiful faith statement. She’s also taken up sailing. Heidi has been riding horses, she always was interested in animals. Years past when Sue asked who wanted to milk a goat, Alyssa cringed and Heidi said, “Me!” Heidi even came up to watch at the animal hospital this year. Now in junior high she also has been singing and acting.
I remember Irene saying “a bored person is a boring person.” It sounded harsh at the time but how could one be bored? There are so many things to do – non-profits to volunteer for, activities to get involve in, art, crafts, sports, families to help, yours and others. Wait! My sister was an English teacher, she may comment on those phrases ending with a preposition! At least I know now, thanks to her help. I’ve always commented on that kind of thing but the truth is my sister has so greatly enriched my life in so many more ways. Talk about salt and light. Over the years Irene has made my Christmas’s so special arriving in NH like an Auntie Mame with baskets of goodies and giving the boys tasks to start a fire, get the music playing, she created a party. She has come up and taken care of me when I’ve broken my arms, heart or had surgery. She has guided my vision so I could see the bright side or the right side. Her very special gift is bringing people joy. She made me laugh when moments before I didn’t think I could. Over the years Irene and John have supported me and my children in so many ways like we were more of their own kids. Oh, I am so blessed.
And glad to have 2 of my children and their families nearby. And friends through various organizations and contacts, some even visiting from far away. I think of my grandparents leaving their families to come to the United States, I don’t think any of them saw their family members again. We are so blessed that even when far away we can “see” them on zoom or facetime and talk to them on the phone. Even receiving texts from Thailand already, good to get them so I know Josh is safe and doing well.
I wish you every good thing. A holy and happy Christmas and your new years filled with Peace Love and JOY!
This works for me. A nice rememberance all in one place.